Choosing Between the ACT and the New Digital SAT: Which Test Is Right for You?

As the landscape of standardized testing evolves, students are faced with a new decision: should they take the traditional ACT or opt for the new digital SAT? With changes in format, delivery, and content, making this decision requires careful consideration.  So, which test is right for you? Let's explore the key differences and factors to consider when deciding whether to take the ACT or SAT.

Format and Delivery:

ACT: The ACT is a paper-based test, meaning you'll use a pencil and answer sheet to complete the exam. This format may be preferred by students who feel more comfortable with traditional pencil-and-paper testing.

Digital SAT: The new digital SAT is administered on a computer, allowing for a more interactive and streamlined testing experience. Some students may find the digital format more familiar and convenient, particularly if they are accustomed to using technology in their academic studies.

Content and Structure:

ACT: The ACT consists of four sections – English, Math, Reading, and Science – along with an optional Writing section. Its content is curriculum-based and tends to be more straightforward, with an emphasis on practical application of knowledge.

Digital SAT: The content of the digital SAT remains largely consistent with the paper-based version, comprising two main sections – Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math.  The SAT includes shorter passages with complex questions that require deeper analysis and critical thinking skills.

Test Preparation:

ACT: Adequate preparation is essential for success on the ACT. Students may choose to enroll in test prep courses, work with tutors, or utilize self-study resources such as practice tests and review books to prepare for the exam.

Digital SAT: Like the ACT, preparation is key for achieving a competitive score on the digital SAT. Students can access official practice materials and online resources provided by the College Board to familiarize themselves with the digital format and content of the exam.

Personal Preferences and Considerations:

Consider your personal preferences, learning style, and comfort level with technology when deciding between the ACT and the digital SAT.  Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in each subject area covered by the exams and choose the test that aligns with your academic strengths.  Research the admission requirements of colleges and universities you're interested in to determine which test(s) they accept or prefer for admissions consideration.


In conclusion, the decision to take the ACT or the new digital SAT depends on various factors, including format, content, test preparation, and personal preferences. Take the time to research and consider your options carefully before making your decision and remember that preparation and practice are essential for success on either exam.